Thursday, 25th May, 2023

We were again blessed with a lovely sunny day! It has been so sunny, in fact, that I felt a little sunburnt yesterday!

Our day started with breakfast at McDonald's. Yes, I know we are always going there but it is cheap, fast and really quite tasty! I like to have the bacon and egg McMuffin, followed by a fruit bag (which consists of apple slices and grapes).

The first place on our list to visit today was Linlithgow Palace. When we arrived, we found that there is a church right nextdoor to the palace. This is St Michael's Parish Church, Linlithgow. It is acknowledged to be one of the finest medieval churches in Scotland and, in some respects, the most beautiful parish church in Scotland. We agreed with this assignation and spent a considerable amount of time inside.

The Lectern

The lions at the base have their tongues out!

The organ console

The Quire

The Pulpit is unusual in that it has carvings of four queens:

Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth I

Queen Victoria (still not amused!)

Queen (and Saint) Margaret of Scotland

Many of the stalls and chairs have carvings of animals or birds. We found them enchanting!

There were some angels too. This one is the symbol of St Matthew

The symbol for St Mark

The symbol for St Luke

The symbol of St John

There are many lovely windows in the church, only some of which are included here. If you are interested to see and learn more, try this video on YouTube (lasts for 16 minutes)

The east window is based on Psalm 104

Top section, verse 4 "He maketh his angels spirits: and his ministers a flaming fire"
Bottom section, from left to right, verse 23 "Man goeth forth to his work, and to his labour: until the evening", verse 15 "wine that maketh glad the heart of man", verse 15 "and oil to make him a cheerful countenance", and verse 14 "and green herb for the service of men"

Psalm 104:24 "O Lord, how manifold are thy works: in wisdom hast thou made them all"

Psalm 104:26 "There go the ships, and there is that Leviathan: whom thou hast made to take his pastime therein."

The above four photos show details of the bottom section of the east window. Note all the creatures and plant life in the sea!

The three photos above are details of the third section of the east window. What a lot of detail there is!

A carving of St Michael defeating Satan

Sts Michael and Bridget

St Ninian

King David I (of Scotland)

Queen Victoria (she doesn't look at all amused!)

These four tapestries were kneelers

The eight tapestries above represent centuries of the church's history.

Two angels tell Mary Magdalene and Mary the Mother of Jesus that he has risen

The Lamb of God

Jesus is the Alpha (beginning)...

...and the Omega (the end).

The Pentecostal Window was installed in 1992. I don't often enjoy modern windows but this one was an exception. You can find details about it by watching the YouTube video mentioned above.

Look carefully to see the symbols of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in the window above.

This large wooden "box" contains something not often found in the middle of churches. Can you guess what it is? Scroll down to see the answer at the bottom of the page.

And what was in the box at St Michael's Church? It's the toilet!!

Please click on the "Forward" button below to find out what we did for the rest of the day!

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